One of the old Spanish settlements, Panamà Viejo was the first city ever built on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. This place is a must-visit for history geeks at least once in a lifetime. Soon after its establishment, the town sought its position as the trading passage of silver and Peruvian gold to Europe. After a duration of nearly 150 years, the beautiful and prosperous city was invaded and destroyed by Captain Henry Morgan.
With their few belongings, the city’s residents left and shifted to Casco Viejo. The ruins of Panamà Viejo soon became known as Panamá la Vieja and were recognized as a world heritage site by UNESCO. It is the perfect harbor if you wish to dive deep into history or into the ocean.

The city’s infrastructure includes one of the first buildings ever built by the Spaniards, which influenced today’s modern infrastructure. This historical monumental complex is one of the most popular travel destinations near Panama and is visited by large masses throughout the year. If you visit, you might feel as if you have gone through some time traveling portal back into history.
If you want to learn about Panama Viejo history – check out my article Panama Viejo – The History Of The Wealthiest City Of Its Time.
Interesting Facts About Panama Viejo

It is the former capital city and is located in the suburbs of the modern town. One of the most prominent tourist spots in the entire country, this archaeological site receives the maximum funds for the purpose of preservation because of its high cultural value. You will find a lot of colorful houses and shops; popular figurines are sold in almost all possible colors. The variety in colors is linked to the roots of the various native tribes that once lived here.
Many people confuse the city with Casco Viejo (which is the new Panama Viejo), but the historical spot is northeast of the center of the city so it is always crowded. The monument complex is the major attraction and it is located at the mouth of two rivers and in front of the Pacific Ocean on the path of Isthmus.
If you want to learn more about Casco Viejo – check out my article Casco Viejo / Casco Antiguo Panama.
In addition to the complex, the nearby circuit, which is spread across an area of 1.5 km, is also worth exploring. Although the tour around the complex will not take much of time, two to three hours is more than sufficient for roaming around. The walls themselves are historical remains.
The best time to visit the place is either before 11 am or after 3 pm as these hours are comparatively less rushed. Entry fees vary for different people and different places as well. You can also purchase craft artifacts inspired by the Spaniard influence.
Places That Are A Must-Visit

You can begin your exploration by first visiting the city’s cathedral bell tower. The walls are made of stones that people repurposed from the ruined city. If you climb to the top of it, you will get a view of the entire city. These stone blocks can also be spotted on the walls of Iglesia de la Merced, the plaza mayor and the visitors’ center.
The walls you will see in your 1.5 km-long journey between both places are made up of the remains of the San Juan de Dios Hospital, many convents, and a bishop’s palace. Your next destination should be the Panama Viejo museum, which features pieces dating back to the 1500s. The museum also puts on a show of the attack and sacking executed by the pirate captain. The entire site of the ruins has been encompassed within the historical complex. The path is extensively surrounded by a canopy of trees, providing shade for a walking path.
You will also find shops near the museum and the shops basically contain a collection of molas and carved artifacts that are available in a multitude of colors. If you wish to visit the whole site, it will be $6 dollars for adults, $5 dollars for seniors and $3 dollars for students. The visitor center and museum fees are fifty cents for students, and $2 and $3 dollars for seniors and adults respectively. The fee to go on the ruins path to see the viewing tower are $3 dollars for seniors, $2 dollars for students and $4 dollars for adults.
Season Best Suited For You

Panamà Viejo receives a number of tourists throughout the year and can be enjoyed in any season. You can choose when to visit based on the type of season you like. In Panamà Viejo, there are two extreme seasons: dry summer and wet winter. The summer season is short lived, extending from December to March while the wet weather belongs to the rest of the year.
The transition between both seasons is rather smooth and spring can be seen in its full-blooming mode. A significant portion of tourists visit in the summer season. Although the rainy season can seem cumbersome to some, the landscape after a rain is magnificent. It usually rains in the afternoon. Because of the rain, Panamà Viejo is covered in lush greenery.
When you visit will also decide what you wear. Comfortable clothes that do not taper are highly recommended for going on your adventures. Although you can visit anytime of the year, many hotels and other services are minimally functional in November because of the number of national holidays. Also, the rain is strong during November and the streets can become chaotic. A number of tourist spots might be closed as well.
Be well prepared and find out what you’ll need to visit the country, check out my article: What Are the Must-Haves Items In Case You Are Planning a Trip to Panama?
Panama Viejo is the oldest Spanish city on the South American coast, where you can also spot remains of its pre-Hispanic inhabitants. This world heritage site is an iconic display of the historical events of Panama. It is also a significant source of income for the country because of its popularity among tourists. You should definitely put this location on your places to visit.
The Panama Viejo museum will take you back in time to the early 1500s. The ruins where the actual attacking and sacking by the pirates took place are contained within the Panama Viejo historical monument complex. The historical complex is preserved and will be very interesting for any history geek.
It is also fun to climb to the top of the cathedral bell tower and get a bird’s eye view of the city. The rest of the buildings, including homes and shops, have been colorfully painted, which shows connectivity to the indigenous groups that belonged to this land. And remember to take seasonal variations into consideration before you make your visit to Panamà Viejo.