Pijibasal - The Eloquent Neighborhood

Pijibasal: The Eloquent Neighborhood

Neighbor to the magnificent Darien National Park is the pristine Pijibasal village. The home of the Embera indigenous community is a must-visit if you are in Panama to experience the thrilling adventures of Darien National Park. Perched on the banks of Rio Pirre, the village showcases fifteen thatched huts on stilts. Pijibasal isn’t just a village, it’s an authentic experience filled with cultural surprises, an experience that will settle as one of the most memorable in your mind, and an exquisite sight that will steal your heart. 

Pijibasal is a wonderful destination that will fulfill your desire for cultural adventures. After the thrilling adventures of Darien National Park, find a place to relax in Pijibasal. 

Pijibasal - The Eloquent Neighborhood

The locals know just how to delightfully welcome their guests. The warmth and coziness offered by Pijibasal might even lure you into staying here for a few more days. Thankfully, Pijibasal has sleeping facilities as well.

Pijibasal - The Eloquent Neighborhood

Hotel Biaquiru Bagara

These thirteen fabulous rooms situated in a pretty village contain air-conditioned rooms, the majority of which feature a bath. It is a dream place to stay among the variegated wonders of nature. The rooms are equipped with hardwood decks from where you can enjoy the amazing views.

La Paila del Pueblo

If you want to enjoy splendid sea views, then book yourself a room in La Paila del Pueblo. They have ten rooms with comfortable beds nestled among stunning scenery.

Remember to bring insect repellent and boots so you can enjoy nature while protected. Pijibasal not only ensures a comfortable stay, it offers restaurants serving delicious Panamanian dishes as well.

Pijibasal - The Eloquent Neighborhood

Lola Grill

This cozy café is sweet and comfortable, like a home. Its specialties include shrimp, fish in criollo style, and delicious grilled meat.

Restaurante La Paila del Pueblo

Enjoy the sea view and delicious Panamanian cuisine at the same time. Restaurante la Paila del Pueblo concentrates on promoting the local flavors. The restaurant is inexpensive and serves simple dishes.

The village of Pijibasal offers the best staying opportunities in the area as well as the most delicious and comfortable eateries. Your days in Pijibasal will be pleasant and full of surprises. In addition, the pristine Embera indigenous community are very welcoming and friendly.

Local Inhabitants

Pijibasal - The Eloquent Neighborhood

Embera people first came to settle at the banks of Rio Pierre in the seventeenth century. Since then, they have passed down their legacy from one generation to the next. It’s always interesting to discover a new community and its culture.

Some of the locals sell traditional crafts that will make perfect souvenirs. You can also get painted with jagua ‘ink’. The traditional crafts are precious and include baskets and masks, while the jagua ink has its own backstory. Jagua ink painting is labeled as a traditional tattoo and is considered a form of insect repellent. This temporary tattoo will not only look cool, but it will protect you from insect bites. 

Rivers, fishing, and boating all play an integral part of the Embera community. This is part of their livelihood. The Embera people use rivers for fishing, bathing, transport, and many other domestic chores. Fish is a staple of the Embera diet, along with plantains. Boats are also a part of the Embera tradition. Historically, the art of constructing dugout canoes was a prominent skill for Embera men. And traditionally, people were buried in canoes. As such, the intriguing Embera community is worth exploring. 


Pijibasal is the perfect neighborhood for Darien National Park. The village is always there to experience its natural and cultural wonders. Here, you will find a comfortable place to stay as well as delicious meals to dine on. 

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