Tropical Chicken Potato Salad – Ensalada De Papa Con Pollo

This mouth-watering Potato Chicken Salad, which is a complete meal in itself, is not as difficult to cook as it probably appears in the pictures. In fact, the dish is easy to make and can be prepared in as little time as 45 minutes! The salad tastes exquisite and promises to appeal to your taste buds as no other dish has appealed before.


  • 6 Papas medianas
  • 2 pechugas de pollo medianas
  • 5 ajos
  • Una cucharadita de oregano
  • 1 pimenton verde grande
  • 1/2 cebolla
  • 3 ramas de apio
  • Una manzana roja o verde
  • 4 baby Pepino kosher
  • 420 ml de Mayoneza original
  • Una cucharda de mostaza
  • Una lata pequena de guisantes dulces ( Petit pois)
  • Sal y pimienta al gusto

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Prep time: 30 min.  Total time:  45 min.  Servings: 4-5

Check out Products & Tools of the typical Tropical Kitchen in my Post here.


Season the washed breasts with salt and pepper to taste. Then, in a pan, fry them in olive oil. Once they are a little golden brown on both sides, add a cup of water, 5 cloves of garlic and a teaspoon of oregano. Cook it for 30 minutes over medium heat.

Chop all of the vegetables into small cubes. The apple should be chopped last so that it does not brown. Once all the vegetables are chopped, add the sweet peas mix to the mayonnaise with a tablespoon of mustard. Once ready, add it to the vegetables and stir well. Set it aside for later.

Once the 30 minutes have passed, take out the breasts for frying. Once ready, mix with mayonnaise and the chopped vegetables. Stir well. Then, add the potato cubes when they are ready.

Las seis papas le quitamos las cascaras lavamos , luego las cortamos en cuadritos. En una olla con agua y sal al gusto , una vez hierva agregamos los cubitos de papas. Hervir por 3 minuto verificar que la papa este al punto que no se pase. ( Observacion) para que no se pasen puede agregar un chorrito de vinagre al agua. Una ves listo agregamos a toda la mescla que preparamos con vegetales pollo y mayoneza le agregamos sal y pimienta al gusto. Lista, para difrutar.

Peel and wash the potatoes, then cut them into squares. Boil a pot of water with salt to taste. Once it’s boiling, add the potato cubes. Boil for 3–5 minutes. Verify that the potatoes do not overcook. Note: To make sure they do not overcook, you can add a splash of vinegar to the water. Once ready, add to the prepared mix of vegetables, chicken, and mayonnaise and salt and pepper to taste.



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