Author: Margoth

Pijibasal - The Eloquent Neighborhood

Pijibasal: The Eloquent Neighborhood

Neighbor to the magnificent Darien National Park is the pristine Pijibasal village. The home of the Embera indigenous community is a must-visit if you are in Panama to experience the thrilling adventures of Darien National Park. Perched on the banks of Rio Pirre, the village showcases fifteen thatched huts on […]

El Real - The Undiscovered Wonder of Darien

El Real: The Undiscovered Wonder of Darien

Once upon a time, an exquisite fort stood on the edges of Rio Tuira, proudly protecting the Cana gold mines from the greedy claws of pirates. Today, this magnificent fort has been transformed into a marvelous town known as El Real de Santa Maria. Popularly called El Real, the quaint […]



After digging its way for 12580 km straight from Alaska, the end of the Interamericana highway rests at the colorful town of Yaviza. Yaviza allows you to explore the indigenous communities perched in the town as well as the lush rainforest. It not only marks the end of the prominent […]

Meteti: The Eloquent Stop To Stay

Meteti: The Eloquent Stop To Stay

Settled in the Pinogama District of Panama, Meteti is the fastest-growing locality in the Darien Province. Since 1998, the town has continued to add to its modern infrastructure, while also aligning its development goals with the natural surroundings. Effectively, Meteti is an eco-paradise. Meteti is off the Interamericana Highway, located […]

A Complete Guide To Puerto Lara, Panama

A Complete Guide To Puerto Lara, Panama

One of the most biodiverse regions of Darien off the Panamerican Highway is also a peaceful place for travel. If you are thinking of traveling to Panama, don’t miss Puerto Lara. There are so many things to do while experiencing this iconic jewel. Keep reading and plan your trip! Why […]

Ipeti and Around

Ipeti and Around

Ipeti is a small town located in the Kuna de Madungandi province of Panama. It belongs to the indigenous territory of the Chepo district in the Panama Province. It is located around 100 miles east of Panama City on the banks of the river Ipeti. Just like other towns and […]

Top Things to Do in Bayano Lake

Top Things to Do in Bayano Lake

One of the most popular places in Panama is Bayano Lake. The lake is known as the jewel of Panama City. Within a two- hour drive from the city, you can reach Bayano Lake. A Brief Intro Bayano Lake is the second largest lake in Panama after Lake Gatun. It […]

Achutupu and Nearby Islands

Achutupu and Nearby Islands

Achutupu and its nearby islands lie on the eastern part of the San Blas archipelago and house some of the most remote villages in the Guna Yala territory. These islands are located very close to the Colombian border – less than 100 kilometers away. The administration of this entire region […]

Ukupseni And Islands

Playon‌ ‌Chico‌ ‌And‌ ‌Islands‌ ‌On The East Coast

Playon Chico and the eastern islands fall within the San Blas archipelago, which consists of around four hundred islands out of which only fifty are inhabited. The islands on the eastern part of the San Blas archipelago are relatively unknown and unexplored by tourists compared to popular islands like Carti […]